• Milk DNA Extraction Kit, 50 prep

Milk DNA Extraction Kit, 50 prep

  • 10 790,00Kč

- OR -
Tento výrobek má minimální množství 1
  • FavorPrep™ Milk Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit
  • Kit Contents
  • Lysis Buffer MB1
    Lysis Buffer MB2
    Wash Buffer W1
    Wash Buffer W2
    Elution Buffer
    Proteinase K
    Binding Column W4
    Collection Tub

 Více naleznete na stránkách výrobce Favorgen

The FavorPrep™ Milk Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit provides a rapid enzymatic method and special chaotropic salt buffer to purify genomic DNA from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria in low bacterial densities of milk samples. High quality DNA is free of inhibitors and ready-to-use for downstream applications.